2024 Girls Championships photos
Area map
CHSAA Post-season Committee
- Bethany Brookens – CHSAA Associate Commissioner
- Rob Livingston – Regional 1 Representative (Area 1 officials)
- Nici Akey – Region 2 Representative (Area 2 and Area 3 Officials)
- Kim Swetz – Region 3 Representative (Area 8, 11, 13, 14, 17 Officials)
- Kami Oliver – Region 4 Representative (Area 4, 9, 10, 20 Officials)
- Kami Oliver – Region 5 Representative (Area 5, 6, 7, 12, 19 Officials)
Girls Regional Eligibility List
Girls State Eligibility List
Girls State Officials
Congratulations and thanks to our State Tournament officials!
Region | Area | Name |
1 | 1 | Bertrand, Bion |
1 | 1 | Bower, Marc |
1 | 1 | Davis, Tammy |
1 | 1 | Desonier, William |
1 | 1 | Hayes, Patti |
1 | 1 | Hildenbrand, Phil |
1 | 1 | Ho, John |
1 | 1 | Hopkins, Erin |
1 | 1 | Hurd, Richard |
1 | 1 | Johnson, John |
1 | 1 | Lim, Tony |
1 | 1 | Masiello, Sam |
1 | 1 | Minear, Shannon |
1 | 1 | Sapp, Glenn |
1 | 1 | Tomkinson, Daniel |
1 | 1 | Warner, Chris |
1 | 1 | Zimmerman, ShiAnn |
2 | 2 | Bass, Whitney |
2 | 2 | Brown, Michael |
2 | 2 | Chambers, Mikey |
2 | 2 | Ernest, Bill |
2 | 2 | Fisher, Brian |
2 | 2 | Garcia, Michael |
2 | 2 | Hansell, Carla |
2 | 2 | Hause, John |
2 | 2 | Lameiro, Georgie |
2 | 2 | Pfau, Meg |
2 | 2 | Raynolds, Jake |
2 | 3 | County, Deb |
2 | 3 | Devos, Ericka |
2 | 3 | Kokes, Taylor |
2 | 3 | Shalla, Annie |
2 | 3 | Weathers, Kara |
3 | 8 | Holland, Amanda |
3 | 8 | Reed, Nichole |
3 | 8 | Taylor, Jill |
3 | 11 | Stegman, Jozy |
3 | 13 | Buchanan, Jon |
3 | 13 | Cook, Roland |
3 | 13 | Grandpre, Alma |
3 | 13 | Ingram, Jeff |
3 | 13 | Kuper, Rick |
3 | 13 | Mullins, Tim |
3 | 17 | Bair, Ava |
4 | 4 | Cox, Kathy |
4 | 4 | Grisham, Kelly |
4 | 4 | Higbee, Corry |
4 | 4 | Suarez, Frank |
4 | 9 | Larsen, Brenda |
4 | 20 | Close, Denise |
5 | 5 | Miller, Corwin |
5 | 5 | Porter, Terry |
5 | 5 | Wade, Stephanie |
5 | 6 | Greene, Denise |
5 | 6 | Hitch-Young, Heidi |
5 | 7 | Santonastaso, Trisha |
5 | 12 | Atwood, Christy |
5 | 12 | Finley, Mindy |
5 | 19 | Bodemann, Kim |
5 | 19 | Sidener, Amy |
Finals (R1, R2, LJ, LJ)
- 1A
- Kara Weathers
- Jill Taylor
- Sam Masiello
- John Hause
- 2A
- Mindy Finley
- Michael Brown
- Whitney Bass
- Denise Close
- 3A
- Denise Greene
- Patti Hayes
- Tammy Davis
- Bill Earnest
- 4A
- Brian Fisher
- Corry Higbee
- Jake Raynolds
- Richard Hurd
- 5A
- Phil Hildenbrand
- Jeff Ingram
- Terry Porter
- Erin Hopkins
Girls State Court Liaisons (to be announced)
Thank you to our volunteer court liaisons!
Girls State Court Runners (to be announced)
Thank you to our volunteer court runners!
Girls State Lead Officials (to be announced)
Thanks to our lead officials!
Girls State Table Crews
- Chad Kiniston
- Trudy Fitzler
- Mike Prusinowski
- Donna/Kent Haggard
- Marianna Benitez
- Valerie Day
- Mark Burns
- Brekelle Westphal
- David Kufahl
- Dawn Bechtold
- Amy Sidener
- Jean Kreutzer
- Lauren Frey
- Geri Durbin
- T Nguyen
- Betsy Davison
- Larry Ruane
- Denise King
- Sandy Churchman
- Bongsook Bae
- Heather Churchman
- Ian Webb
- Warren Jaeger
- Brakelle Westphal
- Heather Brawn
- Paula Cooney
- Maria Herndon
- Ruch Urbanowski
- Dario Raul Romero
- Charlotte Franson
- Monty Ellingboe
- Pam Kochis
- Tracy Schroder
- Carol Ward
- Allyssa Stoeber
- Pam Albers
- Sarah Crook
Boys State Officials (to be announced Spring 2025)
Boys’ State 2024 Officials
Congratulations and thanks to our State Tournament officials!
- Alma Grandpre
- Bill Crabtree
- Bill Ernest
- Denise Elkin
- Jake Raynolds
- Jeff Ingram
- Jim Henthorn
- Julie Meining
- Kathy Cox
- Patti Enright-Harris
- Rob Livingston
- Tony Lim
- Whitney Bass
- Yvette Wise
Selection requirements
- The CHSAA volleyball postseason is defined as all tournament games played in a Sub-district, District, Regional, or State playoff setting (“Post Season”).
- All requirements to be eligible for post-season play shall be met 28 days before the first post-season competition date as set by CHSAA.
- Members must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered for selection to work as a referee (R1 & R2) during the Girls CHSAA post-season tournaments:
- Must be a Member in Good Standing which includes the following:
- Returning members shall pay dues and complete the registration by June 15th of each calendar year;
- Complete one (1) CVOA regional clinic;
- Complete two (2) study sessions, one of which shall be during the competitive volleyball season;
- Complete the CVOA pre-season test by the first contest date for the competitive volleyball season and pass with a score of 90% or greater;
- Shall be a certified member with CVOA to be assigned post-season games: one-year certified membership for District referee game assignments, two consecutive years of certified membership for Regional referee game assignments, and three consecutive years of certified membership for State referee game assignments;
- The current year an official is working counts as one of the qualifying years;
- Actively participate in the CHSAA sportsmanship pre-game procedure;
- Complete the CHSAA mid-season test and pass with an 80% or greater 28 days before the first post-season competition date as set by CHSAA;
- Participate in any mechanics and or video review that is made available in conjunction with the mid-season test;
- Apply for post-season eligibility and update a post-season availability calendar in Arbiter account 104524 by the CHSAA deadline;
- Officiate eight (8) varsity contests during the regular competitive volleyball season;
- Officiate two (2) sub-varsity contests or twenty percent (20%) of a Member’s regular season schedule; and
- State-selected Members shall be available on all designated days of the state tournament, including the CHSAA clinic and the CVOA banquet.
- Must be a Member in Good Standing which includes the following: